Care workers in aged care

Personal care workers provide support and assistance to older people and are a key part of the care team.

They play a crucial role in supporting the wellbeing and quality of life of older people who need help in their own home, in residential aged care facilities or in community care.

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    I am new to palliative care

    If you are a care worker who is just starting to care for residents or clients at the end of life, the following resources may help as a first step:

    • The ELDAC Care Model helps you think about the care needs of someone who may be declining and approaching the end of life.
    • palliAGED has Practice Tips for Careworkers dealing with palliative care issues.
    • palliBytes has a learning pathway for care workers and those working in disability support.
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    I am new to aged care

    Being new to aged care means that you will need to understand what it is, the teams you will work in to provide care, and how your role and skills fit in.

    • The Equip Aged Care Learning Modules cover a range of topics including the Australian Aged Care System, the role of personal care workers, and the Aged Care Quality Standards.
    • The Advance Project® has dementia specific training for careworkers that highlights the importance of early discussions about advance care planning and palliative care for people living with dementia.
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    Developing my skills

    What you need to know to provide good care to your clients can change as your clients’ needs change. The following resources can help you develop your skills. 

    Assess your learning needs

    Home Care App

    • The Home Care App, developed by ELDAC with care workers, provides fingertip access to a range of palliative care and end of life care resources, as well as practical information designed to support care workers.

    Practice tips


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    Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards