Educator Resources

Enrolled Nurses

The Palliative Care Curriculum for Undergraduates (PCC4U) developed the Enrolled Nurse (EN) Toolkit to support palliative care training.  The EN Toolkit is an online suite of resources that has been designed to support learning in Enrolled Nursing training packages and include six main topics:

  • Topic 1: Principles of palliative care
  • Topic 2: Communicating with people with life-limiting conditions
  • Topic 3: Principles of symptom assessment and management
  • Topic 4: Assessment and management of pain
  • Topic 5: Optimising function in palliative care
  • Topic 6: Terminal care and bereavement support


The Palliative Care Curriculum for Undergraduates (PCC4U) website developed by the Palliative Care Education and Training Collaborative includes several learning modules:  Note that even though the name is targeted for undergraduates, the learning modules are open and free to everyone.

Core modules:

  • Module 1: Principles
  • Module 2: Communication
  • Module 3: Assessment
  • Module 4: Optimisation
Focus topics: Multidisciplinary care, Aboriginal populations, Culture-centred care.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Formal educational opportunities are available depending on what role you have in your organisation. If you are a care worker further training in palliative care is available from Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers.

Education in palliative care for care workers that is currently available:

For Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33015; Release 2):

  • Elective modules
    • CHCPAL001: Deliver care services using a palliative approach
    • CHCAGE005: Provide support to people living with dementia
    • CHCCCS017: Provide loss and grief support

For Certificate IV in Ageing Support (CHC43015; Release 1):

  • Required core units:
    • CHCPAL001: Deliver care services using a palliative approach
    • CHCAGE005: Provide support to people living with dementia
  • Elective modules:
    • CHCPAL002: Plan for and provide care services using a palliative approach
    • CHCPAS001: Plan for the provision of pastoral and spiritual care
    • CHCPAS002: Provide pastoral and spiritual care
    • CHCCCS017: Provide loss and grief support
    • CHCDIS010: Provide person-centred services to people with disability with complex needs

Both Certificate III and IV elective modules supporting specific needs groups:

  • CHCMHS001: Work with people with mental health issues
  • CHCDIV002: Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • CHCLLN001: Respond to client language, literacy and numeracy needs
  • CHCSET001: Work with forced migrants
  • CHCSOH001: Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Becoming a Grief Counsellor

The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement (ACGB) offers a Graduate Certificate in Bereavement Counselling and Intervention (22264VIC) through a blended mode of delivery (online and face to face) that requires payment for attendance. The certificate is a nationally recognised post-graduate VET qualification. The course is designed to provide current and appropriate training and education that are essential in providing effective bereavement counselling and intervention including the following course units:
  • VU21583 Apply concepts of grief and bereavement
  • VU21584 Provide bereavement counselling and support
  • VU21585 Provide appropriate interventions to support people experiencing complex bereavement
  • VU21586 Access services to support clients experiencing bereavement
  • CHCFCS806C Work within a clinical supervision framework
The ACGB have also developed the Certificate IV in Bereavement Support (22271VIC), which is a national accredited 12-month online course that includes 11 compulsory core units and requires payment for attendance.

Page updated 17 October 2019