Allied Health Regulatory Bodies and Accrediting Organisations 

The following professions are all university-trained Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) with expertise in assessment and treatment of a broad range of issues that may be pertinent to the care of older adults at end of life. AHPs can frequently provide symptom management, psychosocial support, and practical assistance to help patients and their families cope with the challenges of care at the end of life across the continuum.

Membership to a relevant professional body is required for some self-regulating professions to practice, such as Speech Pathology, Social work and Dietetics. While some other AHPs are required to be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (AHPRA) as their regulating body. In this instance professional registration with a discipline body facilitates discipline specific opportunities for professional development and communication. AHPRA regulated professions include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy and Psychology.

The national peak body for the speech pathology profession in Australia.

The national leading voice in nutrition and dietetics. Dietitians are required to be DA members as an ‘Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)’ to practice and claim for their services.

The professional body for social workers.

The national body for physiotherapists in Australia.

OTA fosters evidence-based practice, enables lifelong learning and promotes the future of occupational therapy.

The national body for physiotherapists in Australia.

The SHPA has developed guidelines for pharmacists working in palliative care.