Work Together

Providing palliative care and advance care planning requires a multidisciplinary and coordinated approach. Relationships with GPs, nurse practitioners, allied health professionals, pharmacists, dementia services and specialist palliative care services provide clients and families with extended support.

Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA)

Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) (2MB pdf)provides a resource guide with information to assist aged care providers, particularly managers and senior staff, in implementing advance care planning.

Primary Care Toolkit

Your organisation will have formal relationships with some of these providers, in particular the client’s GP. The ELDAC Primary Care Toolkit is a resource that can provide your organisation and your GP with further information. This is being distributed through all Primary Health Networks in Australia as part of the ELDAC project.

Linkages Toolkit

The ELDAC Linkages Toolkit is a resource that contains useful information on forming or maintaining partnerships with external organisations. Specific connections with the specialist palliative care service that is closest to your organisation and has capacity to support your clients and families is recommended.

ELDAC facilitators will support aged care organisations to enhance local and regional linkages across the sector.  This facilitation is provided at no cost and utilises the Linkages Toolkit as a guide.  If you are interested in working with one of the facilitators, please visit the Service Development webpage and complete the Contact Us fillable form.
Legal Toolkit

The ELDAC End of Life Law Toolkit has resources including case scenarios that discuss issues raised by working across settings. 

ELDAC Toolkit Educational Video

Watch the Home Care Toolkit educational video on Working Together in a multidisciplinary team.

Page updated 26 May 2020