
Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning Australia

The Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) website offers animations and free webinars and has a section for health and care workers including topics:

  • What do I need to know about advance care planning?
  • What is my role?
  • Legal implications
  • Advance care planning in various settings
  • How do I start the conversation?
  • Help someone start a plan

The ACPA website also provides broad information and resources related to advance care planning. Here are additional quick links from the ACPA website:

Leading Age Services Australia (LASA)

LASA developed a resource called Making Choices for Life. One of the learning modules is on Advance Care Directives: Supporting an individual client’s preferences for quality of life choices, applying an ethical-legal framework. The module includes a short educational video and a factsheet.(190kb pdf)

ELDAC End of Life Law Toolkit

The End of Life Law Toolkit provides practical information about the law at end of life for the aged care sector.

Page updated 15 November 2022