Family members or caregivers

Being a family member or carer for an older person needing palliative care can be challenging and stressful. Understanding what palliative care means is important as it allows you to:

  • plan for care
  • know what to expect as their health changes, and
  • be aware of what needs to be done as they approach the end of life.

The following resources and links may help you answer questions that you have about palliative care and advance care planning.

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    I want to know more about an advance care plan for my loved one

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    I need information on how to care for someone with a life-limiting illness

    As a carer, there are many resources available to support you in providing care.

    • The Older Australia section in CareSearch has information and resources for families and carers on what to expect and how to plan for end of life.
    • CarerHelp has information and resources to support carers, including those with unique rural and remote needs. They also highlight five common pathways that carers experience and provide resources to support carer needs for each of them.
    • CareSearch also explains how to care for someone with a life-limiting illness and provides resources.
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    I want to access support and services for carers

    • Assess your carer needs using NAT-CC - Caring for You (149kb pdf). This can help you figure out what is concerning you as a carer, which you can work through together with your GP.
    • CareSearch has a section on finding services and support including resources and support groups for your State or Territory.
    • Carer Gateway is a program offered by the Australian Government that supports carers by offering many free services.