Coronavirus COVID-19
The COVID-19 virus has been identified as a key issue for the health and aged care sectors. The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care provide information on the COVID-19 pandemic, including information for individuals on the spread of the virus within Australia and what to do if you have symptoms. Recent updates including case numbers, official medical advice and information on treatment can also be found on the website.
The Australian Government Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has developed a series of guidance resources such as managing infection related risk, Aged Care provider COVID-19 support information and COVID-19 consumer support information.
As part of the Australian Government's aged care COVID-19 grief and trauma response package, support services and resources are available for those living, working, and caring in the aged care sector, who have been impacted by COVID-19.
For state and territory specific information including contact tracing, cross boarder travel and COVID-19 vaccination programs and information please visit:
COVID-19 Learning Module
COVID-19 in Residential Aged Care (RAC): Planning, Preparation and Providing Palliative Care
Learning Outcomes
- To understand severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and ways to reduce transmission in RAC.
- To recognise the importance of advance care planning, communication and palliative care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- To identify essential resources and systems required to provide palliative care for a COVID-19 positive resident.
- To gain confidence in managing palliative care for a COVID-19 positive resident.
- To recognise signs and symptoms of COVID-19 disease progression and be familiar with pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies for caring for a resident dying with COVID-19.
This ELDAC education module is designed for managers, registered nurses, and enrolled nurses. A certificate of completion will be available for download after finishing this module, which equates to 30 minutes of learning that can be used towards professional development.
ELDAC COVID-19 Webinar Series
What aged care providers need to know about end-of-life care
The aged care sector is facing an unprecedented challenge with the COVID-19 pandemic. Older Australians have an increased mortality rate if they contract COVID-19 and depending on their pre-morbid condition careful consideration is required to ensure the best care is provided within the right setting. Conversations around treatment decisions and quality of life are critical to ensure an individual’s wishes are known. This webinar series provide a Q&A style format for frontline staff with experts within the aged care and specialist palliative care sectors to explore a broad range of issues facing those working in the aged care sector.
Webinar aims
The aim of the webinars is to identify the palliative care issues facing residential aged care and home care providers in the context of COVID-19, including:
- Understanding the palliative care clinical management needs of a resident/client with COVID-19, including recognition and management of deterioration.
- Processes and decision making around transfer to hospital.
- Access to and delivery of end-of-life medications.
- Home care co-ordination through integration arrangements with General Practitioners, community palliative care teams and geriatrician outreach services, including telehealth.
- Residential Aged Care services accessing external supports, such as specialist palliative care, General Practitioners, geriatric outreach services and nurse practitioners, including the use of telehealth.
Home Care Providers Webinar
The aim of this webinar is to identify the palliative care issues facing home care providers in the context of COVID-19.
Residential Aged Care Webinar
The aim of this webinar is to understand the palliative care issues facing residential aged care in the context of COVID-19.
Webinar resources
These three factsheets have been developed based on the topics raised during the COVID-19 Webinar Series and provide guidance for end-of-life care during COVID-19.
The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce Guidelines.
The National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce supports Australia’s healthcare professionals caring for people with COVID-19. The clinical guidelines are evidence-based, continually updated and cover:
- Living Guidelines
- Clinical Flowcharts
- Evidence Under Review
- COVID-19 Research
Australia and New Zealand Specialist Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM).
ANZSPM COVID-19 Special Interest Group (COVID-19 SIG) has developed guidance for COVID-19. The best practice guidelines are available on the ANZSPM open-access Guidance Documents webpage.
The augmented caring@home COVID-19 packages can be ordered online. These packs are funded by the Australian Government and include nursing resources to improve consistency in COVID-19 training.
Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) developed guidelines as part of an integrated clinical care management approach called COVID-19: Hospital Pre-admission Guidance for Home Care Providers (330kb pdf). This resource supports home care providers with local hospital pre-admission procedures for home care recipients who are suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases and require transfer to hospital.
CarerHelp has developed specific COVID-19 resources for families or anyone caring for a person at the end of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include factsheets and information on being a carer during the pandemic.
Getting more information
- Visit the CareSearch COVID-19 pages for trustworthy information on palliative care at the end of life within the COVID-19 setting, information has been categorised for Patients, Carers, and Families and Health Professionals.
- PalliAGED hosts additional information on palliative care and COVID-19 for Aged Care providers.
- The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has developed a COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for people receiving palliative care and/or end-of-life care. This decision guide is to help a person receiving palliative or end-of-life care, or their caregiver, make an informed decision about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
- Call the National Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
- The phone number of each state or territory public health agency is available at
- Remember, if you have concerns about your health, speak to a doctor.
Disclaimer on information
We make every effort to provide up to date and quality information and links to resources in our website. We are careful in selecting the websites and resources we link to; however, circumstances may change from when the advice or resources are uploaded.