Online Training

Advance Care Planning

ACPA aims to ensure people’s choices about their end of life care are respected. The website has an extensive range of online training courses specifically designed to support aged care workers, health professionals, and the general public to learn more about advance care planning.

To find out more information and register for the free online courses visit the Advance Care Planning Australia Learning website. Choose which modules you want to complete and do these at your own pace.

There is a specific module on the topic of Advance Care Planning and Dementia and includes:

  • Discussion on the impact of dementia in Australia
  • Identification of the types of dementia
  • Strategies to improve uptake for people affected by dementia
  • Descriptions on specific communication strategies for advance care planning
  • Descriptions on roles when discussing future care for people with dementia

Other topics available from ACPA include:

  • Module (1) One: Advance Care Planning Introduction
  • Module (2) Two: Advance Care Planning Conversations
  • Module (3) Three: Advance Care Planning Decision-Making - The Legal Implications
  • Module (4) Four: Advance Care Planning Implementation
  • Advance Care Planning in the Primary Care Setting
  • Advance Care Planning Aged Care
  • Advance Care Planning and Cultural Diversity
  • Advanced Communication
  • Advance Care Planning and Volunteers
  • Advance Care Planning Substitute Decision-Makers.

Dementia Training Australia (DTA) has extensive free online courses for the Australian workforce. Decision-making in dementia care is a 30 minute module which is part of the Australian Journal of Dementia Care Read and Quiz series. It explores some practical examples of how people with dementia may be supported in making decisions.

End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC) is a training program for clinicians to improve knowledge about end of life law to enhance your capacity to manage legal issues in end of life decision-making, leading to improved quality of care and practice. This includes decisions that happen in the ‘last days and months of life’, and the planning and decision-making that happens before this (e.g. before a person has an illness or injury). Online modules include:

  • The role of law in end of life care
  • Capacity and consent to medical treatment
  • Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining medical treatment
  • Advance Care Planning and Advance Care Directives
  • Substitute decision-making for medical treatment
  • Legal protection for providing pain and symptom relief
  • Futile or non-beneficial treatment
  • Emergency treatment for adults
  • Managing conflict
  • Voluntary assisted dying
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples and end of life law

The online modules are free and registration is required to gain access to the e-Learning on this website.

Palliative Care

The Advance Project® has developed resources and training specifically on dementia. This includes e-Learning designed for registered and enrolled nurses, allied health staff, manager and care coordinators working across care settings. There are 9 modules in the course that will take about 4 hours to complete. While the course is free you need to enrol.

Dementia Training Australia has extensive free online courses for the Australian workforce. This is a selection that are most relevant to providing palliative care for people with dementia. Registration is required to access any of the free DTA education.

For courses more broadly on caring for someone with dementia we recommend you search the course catalogue. In particular the following courses may be useful:

Page updated 12 December 2022