
Advance Care Planning


The End of Life Law Toolkit provides practical information about the law at end of life for the aged care sector. Resources include factsheets, mythbusters and case studies. Topics include:

  • Overview of End of Life Law in Australia
  • Capacity and Consent to Medical Treatment
  • Advance Care Directives
  • Substitute Decision-Making
  • Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment
  • Legal Protection for Administering Pain and Symptom Relief
  • Futile or Non-Beneficial Treatment
  • Emergency Medical Treatment
  • Managing Disputes about Medical Treatment Decision-Making
  • Voluntary Assisted Dying
Advance Care Planning Australia

The Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) website offers a range of information on advance care planning and dementia including printable guides:

In addition to the guide on substitute decision-makers there are other resources on the topic of substitute decision-making, including a short animation.

ACPA and Dementia Australia have created a Position Statement: Advance Care Directives for people with Dementia.

Cognitive Decline and Partnership Centre

The Cognitive Decline and Partnership Centre developed a three part Supported Decision-Making Webinar Series that explains the basic principles of supported decision-making and their application. Each webinar is approximately one hour in length.

Supporting documents to these webinars include:

Supported Decision-Making Help Sheets:

Page created 12 December 2022