Principles of pain management in palliative care include:
- give analgesia regularly,
- use a medicines recording chart to record doses,
- always look for reversible causes at onset of a new pain, or if pain intensity or character changes,
- ensure the availability of medications,
- administer analgesia in a step-wise manner according to the World Health Organization (WHO) Analgesic Ladder.
This webpage describes the clinical evidence supporting patient symptom management for pain in palliative care.
Cancer guidelines wiki: Cancer pain management in adults
Cancer Council Australia
This guideline provides brief point-of-care recommendations for screening, assessment and management of cancer-related pain in adults. It focuses on chronic pain rather than acute pain caused by cancer treatments or pain in cancer survivors (which is best addressed by referral to a specialist pain medicine physician. The guideline makes recommendations about both pharmacological and non-pharmacological management as well as patient awareness and self-management.
Pain management in palliative care
The Palliative Care Bridge
This is a downloadable resource providing practical information for pain management in palliative care.