Dashboard Publication

In 2017-2020 we created and tested an end of life dashboard that could be used by aged services within their own IT systems. The dashboard was developed using a co-design approach with IT experts, aged care staff and decision makers and palliative care representatives. In 2020-2023, we are looking at building awareness of the availability and value of the dashboard and encouraging integration into systems with aged care IT companies.

This page shares some of our promotional resources, stories and resources to encourage uptake within the sector.

Getting the message out

Vandersman P, Tieman J. A palliative care digital dashboard for the aged-care sector [serial online]. 2021 Apr 26 [cited 2021 Jun 30]. Hospital and Healthcare.

A new palliative care dashboard for the aged care sector: Why implementation and evaluation matters. Dr Priyanka Vandersman, Research Associate, ELDAC. CareSearch Blog. November 2020. 

Sharing with other researchers

Flinders University RePaDD Seminar Session. The Digital Dashboard Implementation Study (1.2MB pdf). October 2020.

Palliative Care Nurses Association (PCNA) Conference, 22-25 November, Virtual. Developing a digital dashboard for end of life: a conceptual outline (455kb pdf).

The Australasian Institute of Digital Health Summit 2020, November 25, Adelaide, SA. A palliative care digital dashboard for the aged care sector: a literature-based needs analysis (presentation).

ITAC (Information Technology Across Care)

Nursing Informatics International Congress 2021, 23 August - 2 September, Virtual. The ELDAC Digital Dashboard: A case study in design, development and testing of digital products.

Oceanic Palliative Care Conference 2021, 7 September, Virtual. Implementation evaluation of a novel palliative care dashboard in Australian residential aged care setting.

Sometimes it's easier to watch a video

In the first half of 2021 we developed two videos with an aim of bringing the dashboard to life.

Find out how the ELDAC digital dashboard can help you provide good quality care to your residents/clients who are in the last months of their life.
Dr Priyanka Vandersman explains the rationale behind building a palliative care digital dashboard for aged care, and it's progress to date.

Page updated 28 October 2021